Designs that inspire us: February

As of late our latest fascination has been film posters and book covers particularly from the 20th century and the post war era in an age where designers were looking to re-spark their expressionism after being fearful of being persecuted due to the strict regimes they were under and the control they had over media. These works are from designers all over Europe and further. Post-war Europe was an era which inspired experimentation and freedom of expression bringing many art movements to light and acting as the pillars for design as we know it today.


The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory by A.R. Luria (1961) illustration by: unknown designer
The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory by A.R. Luria (1987) illustration by: unknown designer
La Notte film poster (1961) Designed by Mauro Bertinotti, Giuseppe Ranieri, Mario Solá
La Notte film poster (1961) Designed by Mauro Bertinotti, Giuseppe Ranieri, Mario Solá
The Polish poster for Far From the Madding Crowd (John Schlesinger) designed by Bronislaw Zelek. Photograph: BFI
The Polish poster for Far From the Madding Crowd (John Schlesinger) designed by Bronislaw Zelek. Photograph: BFI
Przed odlotem, directed by Krzysztof Rogulski,
produced by Michal J. Zablocki
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